°° Europa - The Last Battle (11:59:33) -
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Over de andere, niet gekende kant van de tweede wereldoorlog en de
gebeurtenissen en manipulaties die eraan voorafgingen.
The Greatest Story Never Told
De opkomst van Duitsland na wereldoorlog 1, communistische
infiltraties, hyperinflatie gedurende de Weimar republiek, armoede en
werklooosheid, de opkomst van Adolf Hitler.
De aanval op de Duitse burgerbevolking tijdens en na de
tweede wereldoorlog.
(Engels) - (2:12:02) -
Een onconventionele documentaire die inzicht geeft in wat er écht
aan de hand is in onze wereld. Door het volgen van geldstromen worden de
globale machten die alle aspecten van ons leven beheersen blootgelegd.
Doorbraken op het gebied van wetenschap, bewustzijn en activisme worden
samengebracht. GEDIJEN biedt echte oplossingen die ons ongekende en
gedurfde strategieën biedt voor het terugwinnen van zeggenschap over ons
leven en de toekomst.
Zeitgeist Serie - Peter Joseph -
Deel 1 - 2007
(1:50:52) -
Deel 2 - 2008
(2:03:06) -
Deel 3 - 2011
(2:41:30) --- Bitchute:
Deel 1
Deel 2
Deel 3
Mythologie, religie en cultuur in de huidige maatschappij.
The Fall Of The Cabal - Janet Ossebaard
- (2:58:06) -
Bitchute playlist (momenteel reeds 20 delen)
Het plan van de elite (cabal) tot wereldheerschappij om de mensheid in slavernij te ketenen en de functie van de mysterieuze Q beweging.
The Corporation
- (2:24:20)
Based on Joel Bakan’s bestseller The Corporation: The Pathological
Pursuit of Profit and Power, this 26-award-winning documentary explores a
corporation’s inner workings, curious history, controversial impacts and
possible futures. One hundred and fifty years ago, a corporation was a
relatively insignificant entity. Today, it is a vivid, dramatic, and
pervasive presence in all our lives. Like the Church, the Monarchy and the
Communist Party in other times and places, a corporation is today’s
dominant institution. Charting the rise of such an institution aimed at
achieving specific economic goals, the documentary also recounts victories
against this apparently invincible force.
Kristalheldere utleg over het plan van de Great Reset en de Nieuwe Wereldorde, door Tim Gielen.
°° The Swiss Beast - Home Of The Devil
Part 1: NWO Nazi Templars (2:10:47) --- Part 2: Occult Origins (3:27:57) --- Part 3: Final Assault (3:23:42) --- Part 4: Breaking Individuals & Nations (3:42:53)
°° Invisible Empire - (2:26:28)
De nieuwe wereld orde, een duister plan tot globale machtsovername waar reeds decennialang naar toe wordt gewerkt.
°° JFK to 911 - Everything Is A Rich Mans Trick - (3:27:55)
°° Endgame - Alex Jones - (2:19:29)
Blueprint for global enslavement.
°° Awaken - David Icke - (9:28:00)
This complete version includes nearly ten hours of new cutting edge information researched, compiled, and presented by David Icke. Who are we? What is reality? Who controls the world and dictates our daily lives?
°° Out Of Shadows - (1:17:58)
The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Their goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.
George van Houts speelt/vertelt/onderwijst in deze voorstelling een aantal ’conspiracies’ betreffende 9/11 die tientallen jaren later waarheid bleken te zijn.
°° Ronald Bernard, Illuminati insider - Deel 1 (39:18) - Deel 2 (32:59) - Deel 3 (31:05) - Deel 4 (30:59) - Deel 5 (40:46)
Over de satanische wereld van het grote geld en de walgelijke praktijken die topbankiers, toppolitici en top zakenlui er op na houden (kinderoffers en pedofilie, precies zoals David Icke al tientallen jaren beweert).
°° The Golden Web -
Deel 1
(2:18:02) -
Deel 2
Hidden Knowledge of this Re-Ality. From the Phoenix, to the breath, to the
fountain of youth and tree of life.
The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot -
Deel 1
(27:44) -
Deel 2
The holographic model allows us to conceptualize phenomena that
have remained on the fringes of science -- synchronicities, psychic
experiences, UFOs, poltergeists, spiritual experiences, states of higher
consciousness. In part one of this two part program Michael Talbot discusses
the holographic model of brain functioning and the "implicate order" model
of quantum physics. He proposes that these two models combined explain many
unsolved mysteries in both brain functioning (such as memory and vision) and
quantum physics (such as the problem of hidden variables and quantum
interconnectedness). In part two of the DVD, Talbot discusses his own
unusual experiences with poltergeist phenomena and UFOs. He suggests that
the holographic model provides a means for understanding these experiences
without falling into the twin traps of skeptical debunking or occult
5G Apocalyps The Extinction Event
(2019) - (1:17:56)
A full-length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing
the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible!
Please share this as widely as you feel drawn...use it to target your local
bureaucrats, technocrats, health practitioners, local and federal government
agencies and more than anything else...your family and friends. Featuring in
this film: weapons development experts, biologists, molecular & cellular
biologists, blood microscopists, activists, as well as good leaders out
there on the frontline. We know what this technology is - we know how it was
conceived and we know where it is intended to take people and planet. We are
drawing the line here....and we are doing so with the full fire of
consciousness. Arise Homo sapiens!
Resonance - Beings Of Resonance
- (1:28:21)
In the mid-eighties fewer than 3% of all people in most of
the countries were using cell phones, but if you fast forward to today
almost 100% of the people are using cell phones. By the time they're 19 or
20 years old, our children will have used the phone for 10 years, and we
have no idea what type of risk that's carrying. Now we live an ocean of
electromagnetic radiation. It's all around us now, invisible, but we know
it's there. Every time you lift up your mobile phone you know it's there. It
is very hard to turn the clock back, in fact it is impossible, but we need
to be aware of the adverse health effects so that we can have the choice of
taking precautions against the exposures. How we could have possibly thought
that putting microwaves to our brain was safe. We just don't fully
understand what we're doing.
Generation Zapped
- (52:03)
An eye-opening documentary about the true cost of living in
the wireless age.
°° Spacebusters - Once Were The Living (1:54:48)
The story of the 4th Industrial Modified Reset Man. What's been put up
your nose in nano dust "test swabs" and in your mRNA, 4th Industrial
Revolution, Great Reset, how the nano dust tech works, it's all in
°° Spacebusters - Virology Debunks Corona (2:20:04)
Germ theory and Covid 19 are thoroughly debunked here and over. Period.
If you believe in viruses, mutated strains, herd immunity, 99.7%
survival rate and any other such nonsense, you won't after you see this.
°° Spacebusters - Cov-19 Immunity in 19 Minutes (19:25)
You will never "catch" a virus again after this. Ever.
°° Spacebusters - Germs Debunk Corona (57:07)
The truth about ALL germs and the history of germ theory. Viruses aren't the only mythical unicorns out there.
°° Spacebusters - Spike Protein Depopulation Patents (1:15:17)
Dr. David Martin gives a deposition to Reiner Fuellmich after combing
thousands of patents since the early 2000's for the SarsCov spike
protein injections. Names all of the companies, Universities and major
players involved, DARPA and government connections, etc.
°° Spacebusters - Nano-Man (1:28:33)
Once Were the Living Part 2: a deep dive expose' into radioactive
lithium hydrogel nasal test swabs, injectable quantum dots,
nano-routers, UPC bluetooth and the UN Agenda 21 Great Reset Nano-man.
Plus a look at why the Government might hate Ivermectin.
°° Vaxxed 1 (1:30:47) & Vaxxed 2 (1:36:12)
Vaccins veroorzaken breinschade (gekend als autism spectrum disorders) en veel andere aandoeningen, daar is geen twijfel meer over mogelijk. Vaccinproducenten zijn niet verantwoordelijk voor de gevolgen van hun gifcocktails (dit is uniek in de zakenwereld). Vaccinatie is pseudo-wetenschap en gebaseerd op fraude en verkeerde theorieën. Plus tal van getuigenissen van ouders waarvan hun kinderen vaccinatieschade hebben opgelopen, waaronder de dood.
°° Plandemic 1 (25:52) & Plandemic 2 (1:15:27)
Het plan om een wereldwijde politiestaat te vestigen onder het mom van een fake epidemie. De grootste psychologische, militaire operatie tegen de mensheid ooit. De vernietiging van de economie en de sociale structuren om een big brother systeem in de plaats te installeren. 2020: het jaar waarin de mensen massaal wakker worden.
°° Virus Mania 1 (1:52:34) & Virus Mania 2 (50:11) - De waarheid over infectieziekten
Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., provides an in-depth analysis of the standard “Virus” theory in the context of German New Medicine (GNM) first discovered by Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer.
German New Medicine is not only a new paradigm of medicine, it is also a new consciousness. It is the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities. It is the recognition that each cell of our body is endowed with a biological wisdom we share with all living beings.
°° Tegenwind Serie - Een boeiende en toegankelijke documentairereeks over 6 kritische wetenschappers in het oog van de coronastorm. Met: Drs Sam Brokken (1:14:52) gezondheidswetenschapper - Prof Dr Mattias Desmet (1:06:10) klinisch psycholoog - Prof Dr Theo Schetters (1:00:33) bioloog, immunoloog - Maurice de Hond (1:11:41) - analyst - Prof Dr Paul De Hert (58:38) privacyspecialist - Prof Dr Lieven Annemans (1:04:59) gezondheidseconoom
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon
- (46:57)
If it wasn't possible to better the Soviets in the space
race, which was really a race of technology armaments, what could be done.
How could America offset the threat of superior weaponry? Throughout the
history of rivalry and war, astute generals of lesser armies than their
counterparts have used deceit and misinformation as a method to achieve
victory. Surrounding the earth, beginning at an altitude of 1,000 miles and
extending an additional 25,000 miles, lie lethal bands of radiation called
the Van Allen Radiation Belts. Every manned space mission in history
(including Mercury, Gemini, Soyuz, Skylab and the Space Shuttle) has been
well below this deadly radiation field...all except Apollo. Recently
uncovered footage of the crew of Apollo 11 staging part of their mission
proves that the astronauts never made it beyond earth orbit. The goal was to
fool the Soviet Union about US strategic capability during the height of the
Cold War. Deceit, Greed, and Injustice... A sad thing happened on the way to
the moon. The truth will astound you!
There Are No Forests On Earth
- (1:17:36)
Wat wij bomen en bossen noemen zijn slechts kleine twijgjes en struikjes vergeleken met de majestueze natuur die op ooit Aarde aanwezig was.
Ewaranon - What On Earth Happened
- (Complete Versie - 8:14:36)
Back Up versie 1 - Back Up versie 2
Een uitgebreid overzicht waarin tal van puzzelstukjes worden samengebracht. Wordt er inderdaad over ALLES gelogen en wat is dan de waarheid.
Part 1: Buried In Plain Sight (13:24) --- Part 2: A Lens Into The Past (25:12) --- Part 3: Inheritors Of Mud & Magnificence (40:57) --- Part 4: Back To The Future (56:24) --- Part 5: The Whispering Of The Water (1:11:55) --- Part 6: Offerus & The Alchemist (1:04:33) --- Part 7: The Known World (1:38:35)
- (2:30:08)
Exploring the technology related to electromagnetic field, ions,
fusion reactor, resonator, capacitor, frequencies, sound waves, tuned
circuits, torus, tokamak, vortex and coils used in the construction of
star fortresses, airships, stargates, teleportation, and White Star Cities
by the steam-powered civilization that I call our Previous Civilization or
White Federation. A confederation of states destroyed by plasma weapons
and floods carefully engineered by the Parasites.
Cymatic Tartaria
- (51:55)
Cymatic Tartaria, een verloren beschaving met de geheime kennis van
geluid. In deze documentaire wordt ingegaan op de verloren beschaving van
Tartaria. Een beschaving die nog beschikte over de geheime kennis van
geluid en wat je daar mee kunt doen.
°° Who and What is Controlling the World? - (4:01:58) - Paul Wallis
Covering topics such as Ancient Mythologies, Biblical Translations, Ancient Aliens, The Kings List, Anomalies within the bible, The book of Enoch, Control and Suppression of information. Mami Wata people, Indian Vimanas, Ancient Technology, UFOs in ancient art, Alien abduction accounts, Human abilities and potential and much more!
Mark Passio - Natural Law Seminar
- (8:48:15)
Een buitengewoon interessante en informatieve presentatie
over de natuurlijke wetten van ons universum. Het gaat over hoe mensen
werken, hoe en wat bewustzijn is, hoe onze hersenen werken en hoe je met
deze kennis een wereld kunt scheppen die meer in overeenstemming is met de
natuurlijke wetten. Nog meer
Mark Passio
The Seven Hermetic Principles
(52:31) -
''New Age'' Bullshit & The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine
°° Spirituele kanalen voor ontwaking en bewustwording:
Aaron Abke
Gigi Young
Rupert Spira
Leo Gura
Swami Sarvapriyananda
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